Critical Tests finished!


During the last two days we finished all thermal, vacuum and most of the communication tests!

The complete Flight Segment was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber in a temperature range from -10°C to +45°C and

New heatsinks for the PDU


The “Franz Oberthür Schule Würzburg” (a so-called Upper Vocational School) has built the heatsinks we need to cool down the DC/DC Converters on our Power Distribution Units. The DC/DC Converters are used to

HAZET – a new sponsor

HAZET new sponsor

HAZET, a company from Remscheid, Germany is sponsoring us some tools we need for integration and later during launch campaign, like torque screw drivers, a Torx bit set and more. Make sure to check out their website at

Testing the cam

Testing the cameraRight now we’re capturing image frames with different light settings and a lot of image distortions to verify that our algorithm is able to cope with those “dirty” images and still recognize the horizon.