Experiment Acceptance Review: passed!
Yesterday we had our EAR, Experiment Acceptance Review, where two experts from ZARM, Bremen, visited us and inspected our experiment. The EAR went quite well,
Critical Tests finished!
During the last two days we finished all thermal, vacuum and most of the communication tests!
The complete Flight Segment was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber in a temperature range from -10°C to +45°C and
New heatsinks for the PDU
The “Franz Oberthür Schule Würzburg” (a so-called Upper Vocational School) has built the heatsinks we need to cool down the DC/DC Converters on our Power Distribution Units. The DC/DC Converters are used to
HAZET – a new sponsor
HAZET, a company from Remscheid, Germany is sponsoring us some tools we need for integration and later during launch campaign, like torque screw drivers, a Torx bit set and more. Make sure to check out their website at