
Yesterday we had our EAR, Experiment Acceptance Review, where two experts from ZARM, Bremen, visited us and inspected our experiment. The EAR went quite well, even though we did some Software-Updates a few hours before the experts arrived and the inevitable happened: the new features didn’t work as we wanted to and we had no communication between experiment and EGSE anymore (Thank you, Murphy!). So we had to reset all our Software to a previous working version, which, again, took more time than expected. The Software downgrade was done right in time, and we were able to present an (almost fully) working experiment.

The EAR itself took about 2 and a half hours, and the experts were pleased about our progress since IPR. But one thing we have to change until Integration Week, are some of our Connectors, since they are a bit too loose and probably won’t survive the Shaker Test at the Integration Week.



Posted in: News.
Last Modified: June 12, 2014