Arduino – an openSource community

blogpost_arduino_supporterArduino is an open-source electronic prototyping platform which is based on very easy and intuitive to use hard- and software. Originally the Arduino platform started as a student-project in Italy and after the wiring and design was finished the whole Arduino platform was made available to the open source community. Most Arduino platforms are based on a more or less powerful Atmel AVR microcontroller which can be programmed by the Arduino programming language. 

If you want to get some more information about the Arduino, visit !

HORACE-project presentation


We had a pretty big presentation of our experiment during the last day for all the new freshmen at our faculty. We presented the current status of the mechanical (and of course software) integration. Jochen prepared a live demo

openCV – a big openSource supporter of our project!

openCV openSource sponsor

openCV is an open source computer vision library mainly aimed at realtime image processing. openCV was originally an Intel initiative to advance CPU-intensive applications, like realtime ray tracing and facial/gesture recognition. Since then the openCV library was continually improved and expanded, to cover a broad field of image-processing and computer vision. If you’re interested in this topic, check out the website of openCV at:

ArchLinux – one of our openSource supporters!


*This is the first part of a serial about our openSource-supporters*

Arch Linux is an independent and lightweight Linux distribution we are using as our main Operating System on our Core System. Arch Linux comes as a minimal base system, 
which can be configured by the user to exactly fulfill the needed requirements. It was founded by Judd Vinet, a Canadian programmer, in the year 2002.

for more information visit the website of Arch Linux:

Integration Progress Review

Integration Progress Review

Today we successfully passed the IPR (Integration Progrss Review), where three experts from ZARM FAB and DLR-MORABA visited us to have a close look at the current status of our experiment!

Cold chamber test at vaQtec was successful!


Today we tested all our components in a cold chamber at vaQtec, a company here in Wuerzburg specialized on vacuum insulation. During the test all subsystems are powering up and running at -40°C ! We were afraid that the camera might not be working under such harsh conditions, but everything went