After two long weeks of hard work we finally finished the Student Experiment Documentation v2.0! =)
We had some major changes in comparison to our SED v1.0, like choosing another embedded Board for our Core System.
After two long weeks of hard work we finally finished the Student Experiment Documentation v2.0! =)
We had some major changes in comparison to our SED v1.0, like choosing another embedded Board for our Core System.
EXP-Tech GmbH, a company from Saarbrücken, Germany is sponsoring us three Arduino “Leonardo” and three matching microSD-shields. The Arduinos will be applied as a so-called “Measurement Unit”.
Today we had a big surprise waiting for us at our weekly meeting: A small packet from the DLR, with our desired camera in it!
The camera, sponsored by the DLR, is a mvBlueCOUGAR-X-102b by the company MatrixVision with the Aptina MT9M021 Sensor.
We expanded our team by incorporating Matthias Bergmann, a student of Aerospace Information Technology in his second undergraduate year to our team.
Today Jochen finished implementing an edge-detection algorithm based on the Canny edge detection.
Even though the algorithm is at an elementary stage it’s already possible to detect edges in realtime.
Half a year ago our Team was established! We celebrated this event with a rocket-shaped cake, which was contributed by Marion E.! =)
Today the PR-Department of our University released an article about HORACE on its weekly online-magazine “einBLICK”.
It explains the aims and background of our experiment in a non-technical way to give you an idea what we are working at.